No Amigas Left Behind

“Is solace anywhere more comforting than that in the arms of a sister.”

–Alice Walker.

Now more than ever, light is being shed into the dark corners of physical and emotional abuse. An average of 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical assault or stalking by an intimate partner. And emotional abuse, according to NCBI, appears to be the most common form of intimate partner violence, with nearly 50% of women and men reporting expressive aggression or coercive control (link to report.). These statistics are based on reported cases, but due to fear and shame, many instances are never brought to light. 

When I was in my twenties, I found myself in a relationship that grew gradually more emotionally and sometimes physically abusive over the course of five years. By the time I was numb enough to leave, I figured, even if he killed me, I’d rather be dead than live like that. During that five years, and for a long time after, loneliness and low self-esteem permeated my life. It took a village of unconditionally loving people to rebuild my emotional house and get me back on track. But not everyone is blessed with the network of support I have. For those with no one, there are organizations that dedicate their time and resources to guide hurting hearts to safe havens and provide resources to help them shape a new life.

HILLTOP Latimer House ( is one such refuge, offering free 24 hour crisis support and rehabilitation programs to victims of domestic and sexual abuse. Programs like theirs rely on donations and government funding to keep their doors and phone lines open. So, to raise awareness and to provide financial support, we teamed up with Old Bird Design Gang ( to create a symbol of solidarity. “No Amiga Left Behind” is a reminder to all of those suffering or healing from similar situations that they have a village. Our wish is that through spreading this message of love we can encourage those stifled voices to speak up and seek freedom. 

A portion of the proceeds from sales with this design will go to HILLTOP Latimer House. Thanks for your compassion and for your support.